using paper - on it's back
cherry tree 95 manitoba
hello, blank page
the tiny ink smeared sphere
in my BIC
has robbed of you
each scratch of this rod
rapes your smoothness
with yucky WORDS
and i tingle
and press HARDER
my BRAIN donating to you a VOICE
'but that's what you're there for,'
i reply
and you cry.
what good are you to me now?
a bit of evidence
of my yearning
that's all
and i can't use you
there's more where you came from
now you're an IT
and i'll SIT
turn you over
and use your
and if you still could
i don't think you WOULD
bother to whimper. at all
her story
my Life.
Her story.
my life is sad; what a sad life.
my young very young mind set to buzz with ideas
and dreams of
big things
great things
some nameless faceless man collecting me
stealing me away from solitude and sorrow
his bride i was shining
i was pining
it was just a dream
how unreal it seems next to
my life.
what a sad sad story.
my foolish ignorance severely stamped into my young mind
and now today i'm half a life through
with residue
running through me
of unanswered calls unbroken falls and above all
no love apart from mine for me does not come easy
knowing inevetible death and certain separation
i give up
i surrender
just a little bit of me remembers
my fantasy so real to me
flickering out of my memory
i can't run anymore i must face this now
let go of everything and
see what happens
i remind myself to look up
from cracked jaded cities
into the sky
and i
am very glad
that the sky
'her story' Gerogina Revet Vancouver 2006
my Life.
Her story.
my life is sad; what a sad life.
my young very young mind set to buzz with ideas
and dreams of
big things
great things
some nameless faceless man collecting me
stealing me away from solitude and sorrow
his bride i was shining
i was pining
it was just a dream
how unreal it seems next to
my life.
what a sad sad story.
my foolish ignorance severely stamped into my young mind
and now today i'm half a life through
with residue
running through me
of unanswered calls unbroken falls and above all
no love apart from mine for me does not come easy
knowing inevetible death and certain separation
i give up
i surrender
just a little bit of me remembers
my fantasy so real to me
flickering out of my memory
i can't run anymore i must face this now
let go of everything and
see what happens
i remind myself to look up
from cracked jaded cities
into the sky
and i
am very glad
that the sky
'her story' Gerogina Revet Vancouver 2006
'tresor' for carrie s my friend (what a trip it was)
i can't wear tresor anymore
blue shirts-can't find my purse
now that i can have it all i don't want it anymore
growing is losing-hair-body-sense
looking down on what seemed so immense
i'm bigger now so mountains are dwarfed by my size
white blotter, rum and coke
layed the foundations for my hi rise
i saw the world less often and
even then only in the dreaming
the only thing found gleaming
but that's only a glossy paperback
found on my oak shelf
orgasms cocaine and adulthood
have numbed all i had felt
callouses instead of braces
wurmbrandt replaced by tv
drowning slowly in this wordly world
look closely- you'll see me
i can laugh at your humour now
'pricey fads-can't find good help'
i turn too many blind eyes
and i'm way to tired to yell
'tresor' Georgina Revet Winnipeg 1995
so many memories i see,
in this picture in front of me
life is it's name, it's eyes pouring pain,
it tells stories of passions pursued in vain
come and see this picture with me,
for you're in it too, whoever you be
get your revenge with me
for what we've been cheated of
every day robbed and locked
with an invisible key
someone will draw the curtain soon
and i'll turn and walk away from this room
led by an invisible hand
which belongs to an invisible man
away to noone-knows-where but the man with
the invisible thoughts
fix your eyes on this picture
gaze you long and hard
forget all else and sing it's song
for soon to come is the biggest cheat of all
and you
will too
be gone
'the invisible man' Georgina Revet....texas 1990
your delapidated disguise of reasonable doubt
has decidedly exposed your ration of mind
quite honestly speaking, with all due respect,
you have not succeeded this time
your cerebral cavity needs a new filling
funky wagnalls and websters do taste quite dry
your flailing limbs won't be crushed by remorse
at least, not by mine
dee lily dee lie
fiddle de faddle de fru fru and frum
your mind is estranged,
and quite frankly, you're dumb.
e=mtsquares....Georgina Revet Manitoba 1988
craning my neck around
searching for that smell again
the one that just reminded me
of before
and like a weird brain kick start
i'm there again
covered in aloe beotween linen sheets
white haired and smiling
the rush of blue plastic still
tingling on my ass
i think of what i wore
how stupid to wear
i didn't care i didn't know
then i feel lost and realse
this whole fucking world
reeks of pathos
and my head spins
and my gusto is going
but then the smell goes away
and it becomes okay
and i walk away from the chlorine
trying to forget
how i
got wet
'fun mountain '83' Georgina Revet
written in berri ontario 1995